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Easily manage your bookmarks in a banner ad FREE environment. Import/Export, create public pages (password protected if you wish), share bookmarks. All for FREE. Register now!
    Who would find this service useful?
  1. Anyone who uses multiple computers or multiple browsers
    ie. Students, road warriors, even casual users!
  2. Anyone that had problems with their browser losing their bookmarks.
  3. Anyone that wants to distribute groups of links to other people.
  4. Anyone that wants a USEFUL page on the web that they'll come back again and again.
    Why should you use this service?
  1. You get a page where you control ALL the links. Not just one or two. ALL. Why get stuck with what Yahoo or Excite thinks is best for you?
  2. It's convenient. You can access your bookmarks from any computer.
  3. Forget about synchronizing all your bookmarks in your various browsers.
  4. Share your links easily. Change your links, and people sharing those links will have their links change too!
  5. Don't lose your bookmarks when your computer crashes!
  6. NO BANNER ADS! What other site can boast that!
  7. Did I mention that it's free?
    What's special about / Features of myHq
  1. Bookmarks are automatically formatted into a table. One page, one click and you're off!
  2. Import/Export your bookmarks to/from your browser. No need to re-enter 'em! (we even support Opera!)
  3. Share your bookmarks w/ your friends! When you change your links, theirs would too!
  4. Change the color/fonts/background on your page.
  5. Password protected pages. Keep your bookmarks private!
  6. You can also make your page public and allow others to use your page.
  7. Access multiple search engines from your page. You don't have to go to the search engine pages for searches. Test that feature above!
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* Login length - "Session" means you are logged out after you close the browser. "Eternity" well, means just that (or at least until June 2013 whichever comes first...). "Timed" means you're automatically logged out after X number of minutes.

How do I create my own page?
Just fill in the form below. Your privacy is respected. We only use the email to notify you of system related matters. Additionally, the email is used to send you your username/password should you forget.
Your Name : What you want to be called
Username : no spaces, only letters and numbers
Password :
Retype Password :
Email : ie. [email protected]
Country : Two-letter country code. ie US, CA, UK, JP
ZipCode : for easy access to local info. - weather/movies/tv listings - us only
add a list of reference links. (suggested - it's pretty useful..)
add others (optional) ( News, Sports, Finance, Career, Travel, Download.)

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